
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Brookland Native's WildCraft Soda Startup!

   First it was cupcakes, then came fro-yo, sandwich places, wood oven pizza, and now beer.  As the ever expanding nationwide food and beverage trends cascade across the nation, one often wonders...what could possibly be next.  Well Brookland local Nathan Zeender (the only person in DC who can grow their own hops and raise their own bees for honey, then whip them into wonderful fermented delights all within the confines of NE DC) thinks he has the next big idea.  It's called WildCraft Soda, that's right soda.  But don't think your typical run of the mill Coca Cola, or some of the smaller brands like Dr. Browns or even Jones.  The mission statement for WildCraft says it better than we ever could:
  "Providing healthful sodas from wild crafted ingredients--aromatic and ennobling beverages derived from whole botanicals, never from extract."
  Nathan, who is well known in the DC Brew scene, is focusing his pursuit of good drink towards the creation of a one-man, small-batch, draft-only botanical soda company.  The DC Native, and head brewer at Right Proper Brewing (an artisan brewpub opening later this year in Shaw), is inspired by a culinary imagination and a dilettante nature.  He has found much enjoyment pursuing a wide array interests revolving around soda and tonic making, beekeeping, foraging and herbalism, cooking and baking, artisan beer brewing, and gardening.  WildCraft Soda will be the culmination of these pursuits.
"For WildCraft I will work with select purveyors and foragers to provide wildcrafted (ethically foraged) ingredients to brew our sodas. Whole botanicals, herbs, and spices are decocted in a kettle for a prescribed period of time to extract flavor, aroma, and nutrients. The unfiltered sodas are lightly sweetened with pure honey for balance, then are immediately chilled, kegged, and carbonated.  The sodas will be available on draft at a few select bars and restaurants around town, and I hope to have a draft stand at a few local farmers markets in the spring." -Nathan Zeender, WildCraft Soda
  In order to get this project moving forward, Nathan has started a Kickstarter Campaign (found here) to help get the ball rolling.  Hopefully a few of you will feel compelled to help him blaze new trails in the DC Food and Beverage Scene, and maybe be a part of something great!