Monday, May 3, 2010
DCRA in Brookland To Promote Building Safety Month on May 4th
As part of Building Safety Month, the DC Depatrment of Regulatory and Consumer Affairs (DCRA) will be at the True Value on 12 St. NE tomorrow morning (5/04) from 10 AM - 2 PM. DCRA has partnered with the DC Department of the Environment (DDOE), Department of Public Works (DPW), DC Fire and EMS (DCFEMS), DC Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency (HSEMA) to host several exciting events at their offices and in the community all month long.. If you can't make it out tomorrow, DCRA will be back in the area at the Home Depot on Rhode Island Ave. on the 21st and 28th of May, as well as making appearances throughout the city all month long. Be sure to get otu and make your home, apartment, office and city a better place!!
Loved reaading this thank you