
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Another Terrifying Accident on South Dakota Ave

It seems like it is a semi-annual custom on South Dakota Avenue . The screech of brakes followed by the explosion of metal and glass. This time the horrific incident took place at the intersection of Gallatin St. and South Dakota at 9 PM this very evening. The collision, between what appeared to be a full size Land Rover and loaded Ford Passenger van, required the presence of several ambulances, DCFD, MPD and PEPCO to settle the situation. The accident was so violent, the Land Rover had to be winched off the telephone pole it was pinned against to free the driver. No matter who was at fault, it was evident that the passengers of the Land Rover was lucky to be in such a bulky veichle.
The lights and sirens of first responders on S.D. Ave is all too common of a sight in the northeast neighborhood. If you ask any resident they will be able to list off several fatal or violent accidents that have occurred in the past few years. The stretch of SD Ave. in northeast between Riggs Rd and Michigan Ave has become a dangerous gauntlet run by locals and commuters alike. With a rarely observed posted speed limit of 25 mph, large trees lining the roadway and dozens of local side streets emptying onto the road, it is a sure fire recipe for disaster. Drivers are routinely seen traveling at speeds in excess of 50 MPH, and even with 3 different police departments making traffic stops (MPD, Transit Police and US Park Police) the danger continues. The increased police monitoring of speed has done little to remedy the problem, and the "Current Speed Limit" radar signs seem to do little but show new land speed records for the 4 lane road. Perhaps this is the time for DDOT and MPD to consider a new course of action. Whether it be more lights, traffic cameras or speed abatement devices is unclear...but something needs to be done.

**Note - Pictures were deliberately left out as they were deemed inappropriate**

UPDATE 7/23/10:
The Washington Post Article on accident report 6 people were injured in the crash
WJLA 7  reports  7 people were injured in crash (HERE).

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