The Neighborhood Farm Initiative's "Home Brew Harvest Festival" held last weekend at the La Casa Community Center (in the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood of DC) was an overwhelming success. The event hosted by NFI (with support from DC Brau and Bread and Brew) could only be described as part seminar part Oktoberfest! Not only were five very tasty home brews featured, but a great spread of locally sourced fresh food -courtesy of the Petworth Community Market, Mount Pleasant Farmer's Market and the Bloomingdale Farmer's Market- and a beginners lecture on home brewing from Aaron Lavallee and Morgan Pinnellmade truly made it a Festival! With the small La Casa Community Center filled to the brim with eager supporters, brewers and staff, the festival gave some much needed exposure and monetary support to NFI's efforts across our fair City. The time and care each backyard brewer spent to craft their specialty brews was evident with each sip; and the featured home brewed adult beverages were a great compliment to the cornucopia of pesto, salsas, raw veggies, dips and spreads prepared from local ingredients of the highest quality.
While this fundraiser was a casual event, it was also a contest. So as is the case with many things, there can be only one...or uhhh three winners. After the polls closed and all the ballots were accounted for, the grand champions were crowned. Terry Chang took home the prize for best overall brew, with second place going to the Cutting Edge Brew Team - Bea Trickett, Dave Cahill and Jaime Garay- and third place went to the first name only brew team of Aaron and Morgan. Perhaps the best outcome of this event was NFI raising $830 to put them well on their way towards installing a deer fence around the Mamie D. Lee garden at the Ft. Totten Metro. A big shout out goes to Bread and Brew and DC Brau for their support in making this event happen. Hopefully we will see this event become a yearly tradition, celebrating a wonderful harvest and some great local home brews!
For more information on the Neighborhood Farm Initiative please check out their website or their BLOG for up to date info about events and harvests!
We were honored to be a part of it! Thanks for including us!